Interference Engines – Complete List

The following list will provide you the information on whether your car engine is an interference engine or a non-interference engine. An interference engine is one that has insufficient clearance between the valves and pistons if the cam stops turning due to a broken...

Car Recycling – Crunching and Grinding

Astounding as it may seem, your car is made from about 35,000 pieces. But only 65% is steel (the rest is made from other metals, glass, rubber and upholstery). When your car finally finds its way to the graveyard hall of fame you will find that they will on average...

China Adventures – PART 3 – All Work and No Play

Efficiency is Life? When you first arrive in Shenzhen China you will notice a very big sign that states their motto. It says “Time is money, efficiency is life”. I am not sure if the sign is intended for the foreigners like me to let them know what they can expect...