Car Buying Tips, Consumer Tips
What is GAP Insurance, and is it Necessary? For most drivers a regular insurance policy is enough to cover the car in an accident. However, if you owe more than the car is worth you might consider Gap insurance, or what is more commonly called “GAP Protection”. GAP is...
Car Buying Tips, Car Maintenance, Miscellaneous
Here is the complete Honda Timing Belt and Timing Chain List. Some Honda engines are timing belt and others are chain. You need to know which one you have. A belt will need to be changed at regular intervals (usually at 90-120k miles) whereas a chain is generally good...
Car Buying Tips, Consumer Tips
Generally people want a safe and reliable car. A salvaged car falls short on both accounts. But what is a salvaged car and should you buy one? Cars are built to rigid specifications for safety reasons. There is a built-in integrity that is engineered so that the car...
Consumer Tips, Used Car Reviews
Cars that start a revolution are rare in the automotive industry, and often controversial. That is until they become so popular that it becomes an industry standard. For instance the unusual Volkswagen Beetle achieved worldwide cult status as an inexpensive and...